So we were invited to a Murder Mystery Party. There were eight couples invited to dinner for Ruby Tuesday. But when we got to the party, we found out that she was murdered and we had to figure out who did it. We were all suspects because she had ruined our lives in some way. Spencer was playing the part of Peter Paul (as in Peter, Paul, and Mary, who wrote "Puff the Magic Dragon"). His character, from what we could see from on-line photos, was a conservative sixties dresser with a goatee. So we bought Spencer some glasses and shoes at Goodwill and he colored on the facial hair. Nice. This is the only picture that I remembered to take of myself. My character was Jalopy Joplin (as in Janice Joplin). From what I could discern from pictures, she was a extreme hippie with a smoking addiction. I bought some ugly glasses and pants, and this ugly blouse at Goodwill.
I wore no make-up and didn't do my hair.
Throughout the evening we were given clues to who the real murderer was. Supposedly, Ruby Tuesday stole my boyfriend and my career. I totally thought I was the murderer and I voted for myself at the close of the night. But it turned out the murderer was Trixie Dickie Nixon, a character running for U.S. President. Ruby ruined his campaign.
Here are some more suspects that came to the party in costume.
Thank you MK and Ryan for hosting such a fun party!
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Murder Mystery Party
More smiles...
The camera hasn't been able to catch the true color of Maren's eyes. They are a beautiful blue. I think she got Grammy DeLane's eyes.
Her best stunt; that's hard work.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Happy 30th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Sorry this is late! We just figured out how to do these slides.
We wish we could have been present at the party this summer. We never could figure out how to make a DVD for you. Hopefully this makes up. We love you!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tile and Paint
So we have to sell our house, but to sell it we have to make it look good. I hate that we have to fix up a house to sell it. Why didn't we do all the fixing when we first moved in so we could enjoy it? I can't tell you. I guess I didn't foresee leaving it in a year. We put tile in the kitchen and bathroom. What do you think?
BEFORE: This is our yucky linoleum that is so hard to keep clean.
AFTER: Ta-da! We love it!
We did a brick-style. Doesn't it look great? I'm so happy because I don't have to clean the white ugly linoleum anymore. I so wish we would have done this sooner.
We also had the down stairs painted. Here's what happened. When we moved in, I painted the kitchen PURPLE! What was I thinking? I thought it looked so good! I like bold colors, OK? I liked it...UNTIL I finally had it repainted for resell and then I realize how much better it looks now.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Yes, we are moving to California
The rumors are all true. We are excited to go back to our roots. Actually, I don't think we could handle Turlock or Madera after living in San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston. We need a library, a mall, a Target, a Ross, an Ann Taylor Loft, a Cheese Cake Factory, a temple within ten to twenty minutes away. I have decided that I like big citites. They are so conveniant. So we are going to FRESNO!! We are so excited...and a little afraid of the unknown.
I am willing to give this a go for many reasons which I will gladly lay before you:
1. Spencer has the right to work wherever he is most happy and I will support him in this as long as he can work hard and provide a good living for our family. And I totally trust him and know he is more than capable.
2. I love California. I remember when I was 10 and moved from Virginia how much I hated it because it didn't have trees, like on the eastern US. But CA grew to be my home and there really is no place like home.
3. The central valley is a great location because you are two hours away from everything wonderful; mountains, ocean, big cities.
4. The fresh fruit ...need I say more?
5. Spencer will have his own work schedule and can spend more time with the family. He can also serve more at church. He's excited to sign up for everything in Priesthood, just like his Dad.
6. We will be close to family!
7. We have prayed about it and both feel at peace and excited. But we do realize it won't be a piece of cake.
Do you know whatwe will miss the most?
Good bye, beautiful. You were so good to us.
Oh, and by the way, IF this does not work out the way we plan, we will just move on and find some other exciting adventure to do. Just in case anyone thinks we're crazy, we do have back-up plans, but we hope that this will go well.
If you are ever in California, Spencer is dying to take you river rafting! This is what he is most excited about!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My friend, Mikael, blogged about what her name meant. Her name meant "visually addictive". So, of course I wanted to find out what my name meant and I was sorely dissapointed.
Sarah H. --[noun]: A person who likes to steal tins of tuna
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
LAME! I mean, I like tuna, but I don't want to be defined as a person who steals tins of tuna!
Spencer H. --[adjective]: Similar to butter in texture and appearance
I can't wait to tell Spencer his texture and appearance is supposedly similar to BUTTER!
I guess he could pass for a stick of Land O' Lakes.
Spencer will be forever envious of McKay's meaning:
McKay H. --[noun]: A human transformer (Robot in disguise)
But Maren's is the absolute truth to what she is:
Maren H. --[noun]: A deadly strain of projectiile vomit ...
she has reflux and it is disgusting.
So, what does your name mean?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Taylor's little Creature Part II
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Mother Lizard
"Taylor, where were you?"
"Oh, I was putting the lizard in my room because he's special to me."
"Oh. Where did you put the lizard in your room?"
"In my purse because I don't want him to get lost. He's special to me."
"Taylor, the lizard may not want to stay in your purse because he lives outside and needs to eat bugs and he needs to go back to his mother and father lizard."
"No, Mom, I am the mother lizard. I am his mother and he wants to stay in my purse."
I think this is all so entertaining. I was interested to see what would happen after church. Again, I forgot about it. But Taylor, being the mother lizard, didn't forget, and rushed straight to her room after church and opened her little blue purse to find no lizard. The lizard had gotten away. Taylor was upset, but she took it rather well. I just told her, again, that he probably did not want to be in the purse. Maybe she understood.
A few days later we found another baby lizard in our house and she had fun letting it crawl all over her dress. ...........(can you find it?)