Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's a new day...

Just three very short days away! My first born baby is going to start school! I am so excited for her, but we (especially McKay) will miss her. She is so ready.

Although I am terrified to send my child out into the world, I know that children have to go out some time or another. Five years old seems rather young, but she's been taught well at home and church. She'll be a light for all those around her.

We are so happy her Kindergarten experience will only be half-day. I am a fan. We'll post more later...


charlotte and clarke said...

I can't believe it!!! How is it possible Taylor is starting school, it seriously feels like yesterday that we were praying for the Miracle Baby and now look at her! She is beautiful just like her Mom.

Kristi said...

I must seriously have lost my mind because I didn't think Taylor was 5already! I can't believe she is starting school! I can't believe MY baby is starting school either! Although we have 2 weeks left before school begins...I'm getting scared and excited.

Anjanette said...

yay! Happy 1st day of school. Her teacher is going to love her. Make sure you sign up for PTA (you don't necessarily need to be the pres), don't waste Taylor's teacher's time with all of your 1st time mom questions, and send T to school with snacks, paper towels, and volunteer to do all the lame prep. work her teacher doesn't have time for...then...when you HATE her potential 3rd grade teacher, the principal will owe you.

There's my quick intro to school politics (can I tell I'm passionate about stuff like this? Ask Deborah...she knows).

jenn goodman said...

Oh Sarah, I have NO doubt that Taylor has been raised with the upmost perfect life with you and Spencer as her parents and examples!!

She's gonna love Kindergarten! It's so hard to believe that they are already in school, isn't it? I watch Addi play on the playground and tell me, "Can I ride my bike to school? Alone?" My heart breaks thinking with each day that passes, she will slowly not need my anymore.

Hang in there ... :)

Corie said...

Wow! 5 years old. Emily is going into 1st grade this fall. It will be all day and it seems like such a long time for her to be away from home. She is ready--I am not, but I know that she has to grow up sometime.

De Lane and Drew said...

How exciting! Time flies, it was just yesterday that Brent and Trevor started Kendergarten in the same school as Taylor and the very same room! Now Brent is in his last year of High School. Watch out guys you will be in my shoes before you know it! (Where will that leave me, a GG!)

Susy said...

Take a pack of kleenex when you drop her off! Not for her, for you!!! I cried the first time I dropped off Jacob at school! And even more when Emma had her first day of school! But you get used to it! LOL She looks to cute!