Thursday, October 25, 2007

The snake...

You know how Taylor loves her critters. Aunt Rachelle loves snakes. Last year she let Taylor play with her orange king snake, Bear.

This year, Aunt Rachelle got a new snake, a red-tailed boa, I think. He weighs around eighteen pounds and eats a rat a week. Yum. Taylor enjoyed him, hands-on style. She even kissed him! McKay loved the snake too, but doesn't enjoy touching so much as screaming "snake!" and then running from the snake to the couch. For other exciting adventures that occured in Utah, see D.O. and Raggles Blog. They tell of how I whacked Spencer's ankle with my putter on our date night sending him to the floor, and some.


Marcia Mickelson said...

Wow! What a brave girl. My kids wouldn't go near that thing. What a girl!

rie said...

Taylor is soo cute!!

Unknown said...

Taylor is brave(r than I am!)!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! She LOOKS like a girlie girl ...

Raggles said...

yeah that's my niece! I'm so proud, a woman after my own heart!