Wednesday, December 22, 2010

me time

November 13th, 2010. I ran my half! I did so great for myself. I felt really good and I ran my best. I ran an average of 9 minute miles. Not so good in a running world, but very good for me! I was proud. It was an awesome experience and I'm going to do it again some time.
November 21, 2010. My first choir concert.


nate and marne said...

awesome! i am proud of you, a 9 min mile is way better than i can hope for!! i bet it was super fun and now you can say you did it! and way to go with the concert. i love singing, and my choir has been such a blessing. i hope yours is too!!

Stacy said...

Way to go Sarah!!! So happy for you! BTW your my hero!

Kristi said...

That is so awesome. Makes me miss singing with my choir SO MUCH! The musis was beautiful, I love that song too. Way to go!

LizzyP said...

Yay, Sarah! I'm so excited for you!