Sunday, April 6, 2008

Taylor's Prayer Rock

Taylor's Primary Teacher gave her a prayer rock and this is what Taylor thinks about it (Thanks Hailey!! You are a great teacher...we miss you).


Kristi said...

Wow, she's so cute! When you all moved she couldn't talk yet I don't think, or at least I had never heard her talk. Do they have bunk beds? I'm always afraid to get those for Chandler, I'm afraid he'll fall out in the middle of the night trying to climb down the ladder!

rie said...

Your children are so cute!!

Mary Kalree said...

Good to know Taylor knows her colors even on camera. Then again, maybe McKay just thinks that "I-have" is a color.

Pitcher family said...

Oh how cute, tell Taylor I miss her already. Did they call someone else to teach their class yet? Thanks for your comment about the babies your so sweet, hope all is well with your family.